ONstock's "Add to Watchlist" page is an intuitive tool that allows users to save and track products they are interested in. This allows customers to easily return to saved products and monitor their availability and price.

Site functionalities:

  1. Adding products to watchlist

    • The user can add a product to the watchlist with one click.
  2. Preview of saved products

    • The list includes the name, photo, price, and availability status of each product.
  3. List management

    • Ability to remove products from your watchlist at any time.
  4. Saving the list in localStorage

    • Your watchlist is saved locally so it doesn't disappear when you refresh the page.
  5. Add to cart option

    • Products from your watchlist can be quickly added to your cart.
  6. Responsive design

    • The site works smoothly on computers and mobile devices.

Benefits for the user:

✔️ Tracking interesting products – the user can monitor the availability and price of selected items.
✔️ Easier shopping planning – quick access to previously saved offers.
✔️ Save time – watchlist eliminates the need to search for products again.

Application in OnStock:

The "Add to Watchlist" section in OnStock is a convenient tool for users that facilitates purchasing decisions and increases customer engagement.